Sunday, May 31, 2009

霎時感動 EP 72 《你媽媽在我手中》

LOL! This kid will go to hell.
Seriously, this episode is out of the topic. It's not 感動! It's more like parenting and kids are evil. Beware!!

霎時感動 EP 74 《身體最重要的部位》

Completely agreed. Well said, 陳鍵鋒.

霎時感動 EP 69 《樓梯人生》

I heard about this story from 于丹. I think the couple is just stupid. Using missing key and dream as a comparison is not that good. Nevertheless the story is very inspiring! We must continue to fulfill our dream even it will be painful for the next 20 years. We will have no regrets at the end of your life. 加油!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

八卦是非圈 May 2 2009

甲型H1N1流感 (前稱豬流感)
